Knitting Podcasts: Popular Favorites Ranked
All stats current as of July 27, 2016.
Finding the best knitting podcasts isn't easy.
Search for "knitting podcasts" in the iTunes shop and you'll see 50+ results. And with each episode running an hour or more, it would take days to sort through them all and find your favorite.
So we've done the work for you, as have millions of knitters around the world. Here's our working list of today's most popular knitting podcasts, with an honorable mention thrown in for good measure. Tune in and cast on!
1. Knitting Pipeline
With Knitting Pipeline, Paula Emons-Fuessle deftly pulls off an unlikely mix of her three loves: knitting, bagpipes, and the natural world. And she's been doing it since 2011. Listeners enjoy how she weaves in diverse topics like bird watching, quilting, and all things Scottish. And she does it in a warm and confident style that makes you feel you're knitting side by side with a wise old friend.
Check it out on iTunes >>>
iTunes Reviews: 791 (91% 5 stars)
Episodes: 255
Most Popular Episodes:
1. Slip Slip Knit Myth (July 21, 2016)
2. Talisman Shawl and Holyrood (July 13, 2016)
2. The Knitmore Girls
Mother-daughter duo Gigi and Jasmin are The Knitmore Girls and produce this creative take on all things knitting. Most episodes include fan favorite segments like "When Knitting Attacks!" and "Mother Knows Best," after the girls catch up on whatever knitting projects they've been working on each week. Their book and product reviews are refreshingly honest, as is their wonderfully complex adult relationship.
Check it out on iTunes >>>
iTunes Reviews: 728 (88% 5 stars)
Episodes: 385
Most Popular Episodes:
1. Off-Label Usage (July 23, 2016)
2. Broccoli and Spinach (July 15, 2016)
3. The Yarniacs
Listeners rave about Sharlene and Gayle's friendly rapport. Their twice monthly podcast keeps knitting fun, conversational, and fresh. They also have a keen sense of what works on the radio. Their colorful descriptions of yarns, patterns, and finished pieces almost make you forget you can't see what they're talking about. Segments like "What Are You Wearing?" and regular interviews with knitting personalities are all part of this well produced knitting podcast.
Check it out on iTunes >>>
iTunes Reviews: 182 (97% 5 stars)
Episodes: 119
Most Popular Episodes:
1. Knitting With The Turkeys (July 22, 2016)
2. Spring Stitching (May 29, 2015)
4. Never Not Knitting
Pattern designer and host Alana Dakos' slow and steady delivery has been a staple of Never Not Knitting since its debut in 2008. While some folks find her style a bit scripted, her show is always well organized with original content and crystal clear sound quality. If you're thinking about designing your own patterns, then Alana's frequent discussions about her own creative design process will prove invaluable.
Check it out on iTunes >>>
iTunes Reviews: 190 (76% 5 stars)
Episodes: 98
Most Popular Episodes:
1. The Sasquatch Sweater (April 27, 2016)
2. Introductions (July 21, 2008)
5. The Savvy Girls
Melanie and Deborah are The Savvy Girls and they produce a crisp and entertaining new episode about twice a month. Humorous storytelling, travel escapades, and sisterly banter abound. If you like your knitting talk served with a slight Canadian accent, this might become your favorite knitting podcast. Not every show is 100% knitting-related, and that's part of the magic formula that keeps this podcast in our top five rankings.
Check it out on iTunes >>>
iTunes Reviews: 159 (90% 5 stars)
Episodes: 164
Most Popular Episodes:
1. The Sock Tree (July 18, 2016)
2. The Questions (June 25, 2016)
6. The Anatomy of Knitting (Video)
If you're a more visual person, check out Erin's The Anatomy of Knitting. It's one of very few knitting-related video podcasts out there. Putting yourself (and a cat or two) in front of the camera twice a month isn't easy. But Erin's been doing it with casual confidence since she switched from audio only back in 2012. The video format allows for lots of wonderful show and tell with Erin's own beautifully knit pieces often stealing the show.
Check it out on iTunes >>>
iTunes Reviews: 147 (90% 5 stars)
Episodes: 97
Most Popular Episodes:
1. Home From The Holidays (May 26, 2016)
2. Playing Catch Up (June 4, 2014)
7. Doubleknit
Erin and Jessica don't just know knitting. Their thoughtful expertise regularly wanders into books, movies and television, often with great results. These two friends from Seattle keep things informal and chatty, with occasional cameos from kids and cats. This is one podcast you'll want to listen to with pen and paper close by to keep track of all the spot on pattern, product, and show recommendations.
Check it out on iTunes >>>
iTunes Reviews: 109 (88% 5 stars)
Episodes: 118
Most Popular Episodes:
1. Summer Knitting & Sewing (July 12, 2016)
2. Syttende Mai (May 29, 2016)
8. Pom Pom Quarterly
Unlike its in-print sibling, the UK-based Pom Pom Quarterly podcast ranges far and wide across the fiber arts, other craft disciplines, music, food, and art. It seems to run on an almost monthly schedule, as hosts Lydia Gluck and Sophie Scott share what they're working on and interview a steady stream of interesting and well spoken guests. The agenda for each show is well organized and its pacing is quick enough to keep you engaged for the full hour. With only 25 episodes to date, we expect Lydia and Sophie will be moving up the rankings in due time. They're very good at this podcast thing!
Check it out on iTunes >>>
iTunes Reviews: 88 (82% 5 stars)
Episodes: 26
Most Popular Episodes:
1. With Juju Vail and Thea Colman! (June 29, 2016)
2. With Rachel Atkinson! (April 26, 2016)
9. Knittin' On The Fly (Video)
After a nine month hiatus for the birth of her son, Katie Shaw is back with a new video episode as of June 2016. While it remains to be seen where Knittin' On The Fly goes from here, Katie's extensive backlist of shows dating to 2011 will keep new subscribers entertained for quite a while. There's a lot of personal sharing in this podcast (plus plenty of knitting, sewing, and spinning of course), so plan on getting to know Katie like a close friend.
Check it out on iTunes >>>
iTunes Reviews: 100 (93% 5 stars)
Episodes: 153
Most Popular Episodes:
1. Caleb's Birth Story (June 29, 2016)
2. Still Waiting!! (September 15, 2015)
Honorable Mention: Knit Picks' Podcast
Kelley Petkun has been the one and only host of Knit Picks' official podcast for nearly 10 years. She produced a steady diet of new monthly episodes through 2014, with a focus on interviews with designers, authors, and Knit Picks employees. But with only 6 new episodes in the last 18 months, perhaps Kelley's run is coming to an end? Regardless, there are some great episodes in the vault that will enlighten you as to the ins and outs of the yarn business, color selection, and knitting's long rich history.
Check it out on iTunes >>>
iTunes Reviews: 200 (71% 5 stars)
Episodes: 255
Most Popular Episodes:
1. Feels Like Summer (June 27, 2016)
2. Stash (February 23, 2016)
Did We Miss A Great Knitting Podcast?
Let us know in the comments and we'll take a listen before our next rankings update.
The post Knitting Podcasts: The 9 Most Popular Shows appeared first on The Leafcutter Blog.